Continuation Form : Creating your first MVC Project
Step 1: Add Entity Data Model
Go to Solution Explorer, Right Click on Project, Add, New Item, then select ADO.NET Entity Data Model.
Give it a meaningful model name and then click on Add.
Select Generate from database and then click on Next.
Select radio button: Yes include the sensitive data in the connection string.
Choose your database objects, as in the following image.
Click on Finish. At this point UserProfie entity will be created.
Step 1: Add Entity Data Model
Go to Solution Explorer, Right Click on Project, Add, New Item, then select ADO.NET Entity Data Model.
Give it a meaningful model name and then click on Add.
Select Generate from database and then click on Next.
Click on New Connection,
Select radio button: Yes include the sensitive data in the connection string.
Choose your database objects, as in the following image.
Click on Finish. At this point UserProfie entity will be created.